Seals of Approval

Welcome to Seals of Approval - your source for high quality embossed foil seals.

Here you'll find seals to embelish your personal and business correspondence, making your envelopes really stand out.

letter A seal round celtic 2 silver seal square victorian 5 seal round unicorn seals square celtic 2 seal

What makes our seals stand out from the crowd? Three things

  • Quality Design. Our seals are all original designs by the company's founding artist. You won't find these designs in any of the dozens of other websites selling embossed seals.

  • Quality Production. Unlike most seals you find, ours are made on a heavy metal based foil with deep impressions. The detail is sharp and the low-lying area of the seals is printed with a gold or silver tint ink to further enhance the contrast.

  • Price Stability. Unlike almost everything else you buy, our prices have stayed steady for a long time. In fact, we're charging the price today for our boxed seals that is the same as when we introduced them in 1995! As costs have risen, we've looked for ways to economize and do more in house, so we can keep the cost to you, the customer, affordable.
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